Access Keys:

St Mary's Primary School, Killesher, Enniskillen


August 2023 October 2023
Friday, 1st September 2023
Return to school (All classes back)
Wednesday, 13th September 2023
P3 - P4 gaelic with Shaun Doherty in Kinawley Hall from 3pm - 4:15pm (3pm - 4pm)
Wednesday, 20th September 2023
School Mass (9:30am in St Patrick's Church, Killesher)
P3 - P4 gaelic with Shaun Doherty in Kinawley Hall from 3pm - 4:15pm (3pm - 4pm)
Monday, 25th September 2023
Staff Development Day (Children off school)
Wednesday, 27th September 2023
P3 - P4 gaelic with Shaun Doherty in Kinawley Hall from 3pm - 4:15pm (3pm - 4pm)