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St Mary's Primary School, Killesher, Enniskillen

School Ethos and Aims


Mission Statement

St. Mary's Primary School Killesher is committed to the nurturing of the individual child to reach their full potential, celebrating the effort and success together. We strive to achieve this by working in partnership with parents to create an atmosphere of a believing community, reflecting Catholic values.

School Motto: Love, Learn and Grow.

School Aims:

As a Catholic School, we aim to:

1. Ensure that the teachings, example and values of Jesus Christ influence every area of school life.

2. Enable all our pupils to achieve their full potential through the development and education of the 'whole' child - intellectually, physically, spiritually, morally and emotionally.

Our Ethos

St Mary's Primary School Killesher works in partnership with families, the parish and the community. In our day-to-day life we try to put into practice our Catholic beliefs and come together regularly as a community to worship.