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St Mary's Primary School, Killesher, Enniskillen


2022/2023 School Year

26th Sep 2022
Our P6 and P7 classes had a great day out at the Cuilcagh to Cleenish project in...
23rd Sep 2022
Today the boys and girls in P1 brought in one object or one photo for ‘Show...
22nd Sep 2022
Friday was an exciting day in St Mary's as each class elected their representatives...
21st Sep 2022
The boys and girls in P1 and P2 are really enjoying their weekly Multi-Skills sessions...
19th Sep 2022
The P7 class started their new Numeracy topic ‘Measure’ last week and...
16th Sep 2022
During circle time P2 talked about all the people in our school community and came...
14th Sep 2022
For the month of September our topic is Back to School ๐Ÿซ  The P2 children...
14th Sep 2022
In P2 we have had a great start to our year! Here are the boys and girls on their...