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St Mary's Primary School, Killesher, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

17th Nov 2023
Primary 3 used the internet and lovely books from Enniskillen Library to find facts...
16th Nov 2023
Today we had a very special visit from our School Pet Bobbi!🐒 We had to be...
15th Nov 2023
Sport plays an integral part in the development of any child and at St Mary's the...
14th Nov 2023
To end our last topic Me, My family and Homes we displayed our fantastic shoe box...
14th Nov 2023
Today we had a fantastic multi-skills session with our coach Justin!  The...
13th Nov 2023
Over the past few weeks, the children in P4 & 5 have been busy doing their Ancient...
13th Nov 2023
In Primary 4 & 5, we have been looking at the features of non-chronological reports....
12th Nov 2023
We are all really enjoying relax kids with Mrs Smith! Every week Mrs Smith picks...
11th Nov 2023
Every week five children bring in something special to show our class.🧸🎀 -...
9th Nov 2023
Today was the first day of our Tech Wizards Club with Miss O’Connor. The...